The Ultra Marathon Aid Station For Beginners

An ultra marathon aid station is a table of relief filled with supportive volunteers, food and drinks for replenishment, along with a few other odds and ends to aid you along the way. But sometimes, after running hours through the night, staring at the debris of the dirt trails ahead, it’s just nice to see … Continue reading The Ultra Marathon Aid Station For Beginners

Fat Adapted Running for Ultra Runners

A fat adapted runner understands that in today’s competitive world of low cost convenience, we have lost sight of the essential link between diet and physical activity. Take a car for example: if we fill it with the correct gas & oil but fa to hit the pedal, then the car remains static, eventually losing … Continue reading Fat Adapted Running for Ultra Runners

Quick Guide: Ultra Marathon Race Day Morning

Ultra marathon race day morning can take several turns so be prepared and focused. I’ve taken the starting line with ease and I’ve taken the starting line with a shirt on backwards and a grumbling stomach. But with preparation, it can be smooth and even leveraged to your advantage. The morning brings endless possibilities where … Continue reading Quick Guide: Ultra Marathon Race Day Morning

11 Things To Consider Before Signing Up For An Ultra Marathon

Signing up for your first ultra marathon? Or maybe your first race didn’t go so well? Whether you are brand new to ultra running or you are an experienced endurance athlete, here you will find a helpful guide with 11 things to consider before signing up for an ultra marathon. There is a whole lot … Continue reading 11 Things To Consider Before Signing Up For An Ultra Marathon

7 Reasons To Make Running An Ultra Marathon Your Resolution For The New Year

As you contemplate running your first ultra marathon, you may be struck with an assortment of mixed emotions. It can certainly be a huge commitment. Choosing and attempting to break such an inconceivable barrier both physically and mentally can sure be a whole lot to swallow. But what if you took your training one run … Continue reading 7 Reasons To Make Running An Ultra Marathon Your Resolution For The New Year