How I Conquered the Infamous IT Band Syndrome [Part 2]

This is Part 2 of a two-part series. If you haven't done so already, please check out How I Conquered the Infamous IT Band Syndrome [Part 1]. Progress Is Power It's a common habit for people to fear change. But what happens when the fear of staying the same is greater? One outcome is to proceed … Continue reading How I Conquered the Infamous IT Band Syndrome [Part 2]

How I Conquered the Infamous IT Band Syndrome [Part 1]

Injuries: a Gift & a Curse Injuries can certantly be a setback, but you know what else they can be? A GIFT. A gift of adversity, challenging us to work harder and to be innovative in achieving our goals. In ultra running, adversity is something we had best familiarize ourselves with. We must see setbacks not only … Continue reading How I Conquered the Infamous IT Band Syndrome [Part 1]