
Ultramarathon running, in my opinion, is a team life sport. I categorize it as such because I truly believe that each one of us is out there working together to help race against ourselves in surpassing our own physical limitations.

We collaborate by sharing our experiences within the running community in hopes to learn from each other and grow. Sure there are placements and best times–this keeps things interesting and expands our perception on what’s possible–but it takes more than just the drive to win when running 100 miles in the 100-degree heat, or moving forward for 24 hours in the frigid cold trying to beat a personal best.

It takes faith in something larger than ourselves when attempting to tackle some of the toughest bouts of human endurance on the planet, where we set out in an attempt to overcome our own physical and mental limitations.

In life we all need to grow and progress. This is our natural human instinct. This is why we’ve advanced from living in caves to flying in spaceships.

The aim of this blog is for just that purpose: helping each other grow as runners. If sharing my experiences helps just one person reach that finish line then I consider it a success.

Personally, I began my journey in the ultramarathon world four years ago. Since then, between races and training runs, I’ve ran well over 100 ultra distances. This has given me miles and miles of hands-on experience.

As an avid fitness enthusiast I’ve achieved certifications as both a nutrition consultant and a personal trainer. I hold a bachelors degree in Business Management and an MBA in Social Impact. I’m a father of three wonderful children and married to the love of my life. I thank God for all the blessings is my life.

I’ve developed a training method to allow my body to run frequent, long runs and recover fast. The results have been nothing short of amazing: I’ve ran 100- and 200-mile ultras, a 24- and 72-hour ultra, a 50K training run with zero food or water, trained and recovered permanently from ITBS, and learned how to eliminate intense repetitive stomach issues on race day.  

My favorite part of ultra running is how we simplistically set out to achieve the impossible. It’s a direct relation to the flame that burns inside each and every one of us.

It doesn’t matter who you are, who you know, or how much money you have. There are no shortcuts. All you have is the motivation that drives you, your running shoes, and 100 miles of dirt between you and the finish line. I find this highly inspirational.

Running has changed my life for the better and for that I am forever grateful. So please enjoy the posts, push your limits, and above all keep moving forward!

Your fellow runner,

Michael D’Aulerio

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